Dear lovers of healthy, but tasty, cuisine, today we propose a simple and rapid recipe: an unusual apple salad. You can have this salad simply by itself, as a healthy snack full of energy, but we would suggest to complete this recipe with the next one, the 'beef olives'.
Ingredienti (4 persone) - Ingredients (4 people)
4 Mele comuni 4 Apples of your choice
1 Verza cappuccio 1 (preferably
savoy) cabbage
Scaglie di Parmigiano Reggiano Shavings of
Parmesan cheese
Olio extra-vergine di oliva a piacere Extra-virgin
olive oil to taste
Aceto balsamico a piacere Balsamic vinegar to taste
Sale Salt to taste
Pepe (se piace) Black pepper to taste (if you like it)
(English Version Below)
le mele del torsolo, sbucciarle, tagliarle a cubetti e metterle in
un' insalatiera. Prendere una verza
cappuccio di piccole dimensioni e tagliarla finemente alla julienne*
e aggiungerla nell'insalatiera con I cubetti di mela. Aggiungere le
scaglie di grana e condire con olio sale ed aceto (meglio se
balsamico ). Buon Appetito!
Se non sapete
come tagliare alla julienne, Wikipedia vi può aiutare:
Clean and peel the apples, cut them into cubes and place
them is a salad bowl. Take a small savoy cabbage, cut it finely (you should
julienne it *) and add it into the salad bowls with the diced apple. Add some
shavings of Parmesan cheese to taste and season with olive oil, salt and
balsamic vinegar. Buon Appetito!
* If you do not know how to julienne a cabbage, Wikipedia
can help you:
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