Cari amanti dei dolci,
Per rallegrare il vostro fine settimana vi proponiamo un classico della cucina italiana, la tiramisù, ma la renderemo più creativa con delle divertenti varianti alle fragole e all'ananas. Buon week-end!
Dear dessert lovers,
To cheer you up, this week-end, we propose a classic of Italian cuisine: the famous tiramisù, but after sharing with you the classic recipe, we shall also use our creativity and suggest you some variations, using strawberries and pineapple. Have a great week-end!
To cheer you up, this week-end, we propose a classic of Italian cuisine: the famous tiramisù, but after sharing with you the classic recipe, we shall also use our creativity and suggest you some variations, using strawberries and pineapple. Have a great week-end!
(monodose per una persona)
INGREDIENTS (for one person)
1 uovo – 1
2 cucchiai da
brodo di zucchero – 2 tablespoons of white sugar
3 cucchiai da
brodo di mascarpone – 3 tablespoons of Mascarpone Cheese
3 o 4 biscotti
savoiardi – 3 or 4 ladyfingers biscuits
1 tazzina di
caffe' – a cup of coffee
Brandy a
piacere se piace – Brandy to taste, if you like it (for the cream)
Cacao amaro
– Cocoa powder or grated dark chocolate
1. Dividere il
tuorlo dell’uovo dall’albume in due diversi contenitori. Aggiungete
lo zucchero al tuorlo e, con l'aiuto di un frusta elettrica, mescolate facendo
attenzione a non scaldare il composto che deve risultare bello cremoso.
Aggungere il mascarpone ed amalgamare il tutto con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio, muvendolo dal basso verso
l'alto in modo da mischiare per bene tutto il composto.
1. Divide the egg yolk from the egg white and place them in two different bowls. Add sugar to the yolk and whisk everything with an electric whisk, taking care not to warm up the mixture and to keep it nice and creamy. Add the Mascarpone cheese to the cream and mix it well using a tablespoon, moving it from the bottom of the bowl up.
1. Divide the egg yolk from the egg white and place them in two different bowls. Add sugar to the yolk and whisk everything with an electric whisk, taking care not to warm up the mixture and to keep it nice and creamy. Add the Mascarpone cheese to the cream and mix it well using a tablespoon, moving it from the bottom of the bowl up.
2. Con l’aiuto
della frusta elettrica, montare a neve l'albume nel secondo contenitore e poi
unirlo al composto ed amalgamare il tutto facendo attenzione a mantenere la
crema ben compatta.
2. With the help of electric whisk, whip the egg white into the second bowl and then add it to the yellow cream, mixing it well with the help of a spoon. Make sure to obtain a smooth and compact cream.

3. Posizionare il primo strato di questa crema (un cucchiaio) su di un piatto o in una coppetta. Nel frattempo immergere i savoiardi nel caffe' ed adagiateli sul primo strato di crema per poi ricoprirli con il secondo strato di crema. Dopo aver creato due strati, spolverate la crema con cacao amaro oppure con del cioccolato fondente grattugiato.
3. Place a first layer of this cream (a generous tablespoon) on a plate or in a small bowl. Meanwhile immerse the ladyfingers in the coffee (only for a few seconds) and place them on the top of the first layer of cream. Cover the ladyfingers with the second layer of cream. After creating two layers, sprinkle everything with cocoa powder or with grated dark chocolate.
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Pineapple -Ananas |
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Fragole- Strawberries |
We would like to propose a couple of variations to this classic tiramisu': the cream is exactly the same, but you can add some diced strawberries or diced canned pineapple to it. In this case, immerse the ladyfinger biscuits into milk instead of coffee (for strawberry tiramisu) or into canned pineapple juice instead of coffee (for pineapple tiramisu). Sprinkle the top with two amaretti biscuits instead of chocolate, but if you like it you could use some grated white chocolate instead. BUON APPETITO!